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This is how gaming affects our society

Gaming has become big and today more than every other person plays. How you play and what you play, however, is affected by a variety of factors and gaming is today a very broad concept. Because of this, it is important that you are clear when talking about the area so that there are no misunderstandings.
What we are going to look at is how gaming in general affects society. This includes all forms of gaming, so it can apply to video games, mobile games but also online casinos and similar games of chance. What are the advantages and disadvantages of society of all this?

Gaming comes in many different forms

Gaming continues to grow and today it is possible to play on everything from your computer, smartphone and tablet. In addition, there are also consoles that can be used. In the end, the right platform is the one that has the games you want to run. There is also a lot that can be played through browsers, so these are often available on all internet-connected devices. This is, among other things, the case with casinos with fast withdrawals, something that many here in Sweden play at.

Benefits in general

Games with social functions are a good way to promote social interaction in an otherwise connected world. It can be about casino players who can chat with each other or a group of friends who meet up to play a video game together. There are also games that can contribute to improved cognitive abilities. Many games contain problem solving and different types of tricky situations where you have to think ahead. There are even games that focus on just this. There are also games that instead contribute to movement and fine motor skills. Hand and eye coordination is incredibly important for being able to perform in certain games. With VR games, you take this to the next level, which many game developers hope to be able to take further.

Mobile gaming is the new hot

Since smartphones appeared on the market, a lot has happened with mobile games. Something that used to be mostly seen on old mobiles as something superfluous is today a huge part of the gaming market. You have everything from casino games where you can play for cash to great MMOs and action games. The graphics have become enormously much better, the functions are as advanced as many computer games and today there are millions of players on many of the games. This has also meant that more players today play on mobile than on other platforms. However, this is not entirely without problems. Mobile games often come with purchases in the mobile and often this is in the form of gacha or loot boxes. Both can be compared to gambling as it is very turn-based, which in turn can lead to players spending more money than planned, not least when it comes to children and young people. This is something that is often criticized, and some countries have or want to legislate against it.

Balance is important for all players

Most people now know that gambling can be beneficial. But that you can get better fine motor skills or cognitive ability is not a guarantee, it depends a lot on the game you have chosen. It can also lead to over-control and there are disadvantages such as reduced social ability, unemployment through gambling addiction and of course also deteriorating finances if you play for money on a large scale. Regardless of whether there are advantages or disadvantages, it is always balance that is decisive. Games can be entertaining and give you something, but letting it go overboard has a negative impact. Gambling addiction where people end up in debt is probably the most serious problem we notice in Swedish society.

Gaming is here to stay

Gaming and cash games are here to stay and it will hardly slow down, on the contrary, it will probably grow even more now that the technology is developing so fast. It is also easier than ever for individuals and companies to develop their own games. What we can count on, however, is that there will be more legislation and regulation. Sweden recently got a new gaming team for betting and casino, but it is not unbelievable that we will see more of this in the future when you look at the law and what results it has given so far.

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Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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