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Telia is expanding its 5G network: Now it reaches 73% of Swedes

Telia, Sweden’s leading telecommunications company, has during the past year progressed at the speed of light in the development and implementation of its 5G network. The company now announces that their more environmentally friendly 5G network reaches 73 percent of the Swedish population. This means that 7 out of 10 Swedes now have access to this faster, more reliable technology that forms the basis for an efficient digital infrastructure and sustainable social development.

5G and the future

Since 2020, Telia has modernized its 4G network and built 5G throughout Sweden, now Telia’s 5G network reaches 73% of Swedes. This represents a significant milestone in the company’s billion-dollar investment to cover more than 90% of Sweden’s surface and reach 99% of the population by 2025. – Every week, new customers gain access to the new technology and can enjoy amazing speeds and more capacity. Now around 7.7 million Swedes have access to Telia’s 5G network, a technology that paves the way for innovations, experiences and services that mean actual changes in people’s lives and everyday life. Now we have 5G kind of everywhere, and it is a crucial piece of the puzzle for the continued digital development of society and for Sweden’s competitiveness, says Staffan Åkesson, network manager at Telia.

The immeasurable benefits of 5G

5G technology offers many benefits, from smart and sustainable homes to smart cities. With increased speed, data volume and more connected devices at once, Telia’s customers can benefit from new and better solutions. – We talk a lot about the opportunities that the 5G network can provide in the future, such as driverless buses in public transport, completely new gaming experiences on the mobile phone or access to advanced remote care. But technology development is moving at breakneck speed and already today 5G is adapted to a modern connected life that requires a lot of surfing, streaming and gaming. Something that previously only worked really well with fiber. The technology also enables greater influence over the economy and everyday life, such as being able to monitor electricity prices in real time and adjust indoor temperatures, says Staffan Åkesson.

Telia’s 5G network in numbers

The 5G network in the ultra-fast 3.6 GHz frequency band is now available in more than 100 urban areas. We find the highest coverage in Skåne, Gotland and Halland counties with a population coverage of between 85-90%. All energy used to power Telia’s 5G network comes from 100 percent renewable sources, demonstrating the company’s commitment to sustainable development.

Modernization of the mobile network

In order for the network to function both now and in the future, Telia is investing billions in Sweden’s digital infrastructure. In addition to the 5G build-up, Telia’s 4G network is also being modernized, where the capacity is more than doubled and older equipment is replaced with more energy-efficient technology. The customer receives ongoing information about when modernization of 4G and 5G comes to their area.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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