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PTC launches AI-powered inspection tool for improved product quality

PTC (NASDAQ: PTC), a global software solutions provider, has introduced a new component to its Augmented Reality (AR) solution, Vuforia. The new feature, known as Step Check, facilitates and improves visual inspection of products or parts in manufacturing environments.
Step Check guides employees through the inspection process step by step, with context-sensitive work instructions displayed digitally over the physical product. In this way, employees can directly see the inspections they need to carry out on the product or part in question. But Step Check goes beyond just giving instructions. Using artificial intelligence (AI), the system can identify errors, such as incorrect assembly, missing parts or misaligned components. In addition, Step Check offers real-time feedback to employees through color-coded graphics displayed directly on the part or product being inspected. An important part of Step Check’s functionality is its self-learning AI model. This model is trained through both 3D CAD models of the parts or products to be inspected and examples of passed or failed inspections. In this way, the AI ​​model can learn from the decisions made by the employees and continuously improve the inspection results. In addition, Vuforia’s computer vision capabilities allow Step Check to recognize things not included in 3D CAD models, such as stickers or labels. Step Check is part of PTC’s Vuforia Expert Capture SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) AR solution. This platform facilitates the creation of step-by-step AR work instructions, which can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of manufacturing processes. Traditionally, visual inspection in quality control has been performed with the naked eye, using paper-based documentation. This method can increase the risk of errors and require rework, making Step Check a welcome innovation for the manufacturing sector. PTC is known for delivering software solutions that help manufacturers around the world achieve significant cost savings. The company offers products and services that promote innovation, improve operational efficiency and increase workforce productivity. Additionally, PTC has an extensive network of partners, giving customers greater flexibility in deploying their technology to drive digital transformation, either on-premises, in the cloud, or through its SaaS platform. The post PTC launches AI-powered inspection tool for improved product quality appeared first on Dagens Teknik.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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