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Measures to increase cyber security: Jamf report highlights current threats

As cyber threats continue to evolve and change, technology firm Jamf has identified five key areas where companies should invest in improving their cyber security. Social engineering, the protection of users’ personal integrity, combined attack methods, increased requirements for regulatory compliance and the protection of geographically dispersed employees are in focus.

Social engineering: the next biggest threat

Social engineering poses the most pressing threat to corporate cyber security. With a third of all businesses affected by some form of phishing last year, this threat is expected to continue to dominate. Remote work has created new vulnerabilities, and sophisticated attacks specifically designed for individuals have become increasingly common. In 2022 alone, 31% of all businesses were affected by some form of phishing, according to Jamf’s report. Vulnerability increases in step with an increasingly fragmented IT environment and attacks that are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Personal privacy at the intersection of security and productivity

Personal integrity is increasingly central to the security discussion. Workers’ desire to use personal devices at work meets the need for control over technology use. With an increasing awareness that work and private life are impossible to separate, companies are faced with the challenge of balancing security with productivity. Companies therefore need to implement solutions to manage employees’ devices and protect company data – without preventing employees from using their phones as they wish.

The changing nature of cyber threats: new combinations of attacks

The nature of cyberthreats changes over time and now we see a trend towards combinations of different attack methods. An increase in attacks targeting software supply chains and third-party vendors highlights the need for increased vigilance. However, there is good news as well – the number of new intrusions with malware targeting macOS decreased from 150 to around 100 million attacks in 2022.

Regulatory compliance: a growing task for businesses

Regulatory compliance is becoming more comprehensive. Meeting the requirements set by new regulations such as NIS2 requires significant effort and an increased focus on everything from workflows to handling sensitive information.
Businesses affected by the new regulations now need to increase control over everything from workflows to how they handle sensitive information. It is no longer enough to just have basic firewalls and protect the company’s endpoints, now a well-designed security strategy is required.

Remote work places new demands on data security

Although telecommuting is no longer a novelty, it still poses major challenges to corporate cyber security. Those businesses that have not yet adapted to this new work landscape must quickly find solutions to protect their employees, data and technology. Jamf continues to detect more serious remote work-related attacks and breaches than before.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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