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How AI-generated content affects SEO

Google has recently communicated new guidelines regarding the handling of AI-generated content in search results. These guidelines confirm previous statements by SEO experts that content technology is less important than delivering value to users and avoiding manipulation of search engines.
In light of Google’s statement, SEO experts need to rethink their approach to AI in their work. Important aspects to consider include the interplay between Google and AI technology, risks and limitations of using AI for content creation, and what skills SEO experts need to adapt. Both Google and Microsoft Bing have already integrated AI technology to improve search results and it was expected that AI would also be used for content creation as the technology became more readily available. Both search engines strive to handle AI-generated content responsibly. If AI is used to create valuable content, Google will not penalize websites with AI-generated content. However, the challenge is to avoid misuse of AI. Tools like ChatGPT are useful, but they require users to create innovative content responsibly. It is not yet known what consequences Google will have for those who abuse AI. Could this mean manual penalisation, algorithm changes or that individual pages are affected? Another important issue is the labeling of AI-generated content. Google recommends that one “consider” adding such a label, which creates uncertainty for marketers. – To adapt to the new era of AI-generated content, SEO experts should learn to give valuable input to AI tools, says Daniel Wellingford, expert in SEO and media communication, to the newspaper Dagens Innovation. Wellingford emphasizes the importance of providing good sourcing information when creating content, such as keywords and content ideas. He suggests combining your own expertise and research to make the content as unique and valuable as possible. Other experts point out the importance of understanding user psychology and needs and using these insights to create nuanced and valuable content. AI technology gives skilled writers and marketers the opportunity to stand out from the crowd, especially if they can use AI to create a strong foundation and then build on it with their own unique skills and insights. Using AI to create useful content will be an important part of the SEO landscape of the future. Those who quickly learn to master AI tools and understand their limitations will be better equipped to navigate a changing digital environment. Google has not yet established a definitive position on the matter. However, the most important thing is to create valuable content for users, whether it is created with the help of AI or not. For SEO experts, this means they must adapt to AI technology and develop new skills and strategies to continue creating engaging and high-quality content. Ultimately, it is clear that AI technology has the potential to change the SEO landscape and enable experts to create better and more relevant content. But it is important to use AI responsibly and ethically to ensure that user needs continue to be prioritized and that search engines are not manipulated.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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