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Carswipe challenges the car industry – offers a new service for secure car deals

Carswipe, a new player in the car industry, has created a digital trading platform to simplify and secure car transactions between individuals. Dagens Teknik had the privilege of interviewing Ivan Boberg Jovanovic, CEO and co-founder of Carswipe, to discuss the benefits of the service and how it can revolutionize the car industry.
Nice to finally do this interview. Can you tell us more about Carswipe and who you are?
– Nice that you pay attention to us. Carswipe is a trading platform for you who want to buy or sell a used car. This has previously been a transaction that entailed high risk, wasted time and boring moments for both parties, but not anymore. – At Carswipe, we have developed what we believe is the problem-free online car shop of the future. It’s simple, fun and risk-free. The company was founded in Malmö, where we still operate, by me together with Johan Malmberg, our CTO, and Peter Persson, our CMO. – I have my background in the car industry, where I worked most of my working life. Johan has a background at LTH and ABB, while Peter has run his own web agency since 2009.
Ivan Boberg Jovanovic, one of the founders of Carswipe, who Dagens Teknik had the opportunity to speak with.
You believe that you have built the market’s best platform for car deals between private individuals. Why do you stand out?
– We stand out in several respects. Our goal has always been to develop the market’s best buying and selling journey with the user in focus. We never own the cars sold via the platform, but are only responsible for the user’s journey. With us, the entire deal from advertisement to closing is carried out digitally, which means that buyer and seller never meet. – The car is tested at over 130 points by our independent partner who comes to customers’ homes and performs tests. All are verified via Bank ID. Our partners offer financing, warranty, insurance and everything needed for a safe car business. All transactions take place via a third party to ensure payment, credit clearance and finally change of ownership.
What are the benefits of using CarSwipe and your service?
– The advantages are primarily security and risk minimization. All are verified, the cars are tested and home delivery, warranty and insurance are always included. The customer can also carry out the entire transaction digitally directly on the computer or phone at home in their own safe environment.
If we look at the market. What does the market look like and what or who do you want to challenge with your service?
– Approximately 1.3 million used cars are sold annually in Sweden. The trade in cars has undergone and will undergo major changes in the form of digitalisation. We see fewer customers in the car dealerships and more business online. New cars are already largely sold online. Examples of cars are Tesla, Mercedes, Volvo, Kia and many more. We believe that used will go the same way. – We do not see ourselves as any challengers in that way, but rather as a complement to what exists today. If customers want to do business entirely digitally and have access to the services offered by us, they should be able to do so. To clarify how we work and who we are, I would say that our competitors are Blocket, Bilwebb and Wayke rather than the car dealership itself.
So the service is completely web-based. Is there an app?
– Right now Carswipe is only offered in web-based form but with mobile use in focus. We absolutely intend to launch our own app.
If we return to competition in the market. Why should a customer use Carswipe over, for example, Blocket?
– At Carswipe, we only focus on the car business and optimizing our users’ buying and selling journeys. Via Carswipe, the customer gets the security that cannot be obtained on other marketplaces today in the form of verified people, tested cars and all the services that are included. The business is carried out digitally and the risk of fraud or theft is minimized. – Today we can read about fraud in the form of someone posting an ad for a car they don’t own and then receiving a down payment via Swish, someone stealing the car during a test drive or a change of ownership. There is also payment and redemption of old debt that is not carried out correctly. The mentioned points cannot be done via Carswipe.
So how does Carswipe work with security?
– The safety of our users is the basis of our idea. We create a secure order flow, trust and minimize risk. As previously mentioned, BankID is always used for verification, approval and all transactions. The cars are tested, warranty and always home delivery are included.
Can you tell us more about how the actual concept for CarSwipe was created?
– The idea for Carswipe was born when I started working as a car salesman. I got the inspiration from all the customers I’ve had over the years and the general view of car shops as troublesome and negative. The deal itself is the common man’s second biggest deal in life, which in my opinion should be a fun and safe deal and something to look forward to.
Recently, you have received a lot of attention in the media. What do you think the industry will look like in five years?
– That was a good question. I think car ownership may look different in five years. Maybe we co-own more, especially in the inner cities. I absolutely believe that we will buy and sell our cars online to a greater extent and that the traditional car dealer with the car garage in the industrial area will be fewer. The car showroom will be a showroom more than a place for sales.
Finally, do you have plans to expand operations in, for example, other countries, if so which ones?
– We have recently developed the platform to be able to offer private sellers a quick deal as they can now also receive bids from connected and verified car dealers. We also offer companies and car dealers to sell cars through us starting now in January. This is a natural step in our development. We also see a potential to launch Carswipe in other markets such as Finnish or Danish, but see an establishment in Sweden as our biggest focus at the moment. – We have also looked at the possibility of developing our buying and selling journey to other markets that are in need of verification, security and the other services that we can offer. Of course then under a different name.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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