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We will bind the wounds together! Aid from companies continues at full throttle

In the statement made by the Bank, “In order to fulfill our responsibility in the solidarity we have shown in our country, we have made maximum efforts to ensure that banking activities are not disrupted by keeping almost all of our ATMs and one branch in each province in the region where we operate, with our 2 regional directorates, 64 branches and 1050 personnel.” it was said.

300 million TL from Eczacıbaşı

Şişecam donated 200 million TL to the earthquake area within the scope of cash support provided by İşbank Group, while Şişecam’s support reached 225 million TL with in-kind donations. Eczacıbaşı Group stated that it has allocated 300 million TL to support earthquake victims, of which 100 million TL is donated to the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). IS Investment Menkul Değerler AŞ announced that it has decided to make a donation of 55 million TL. Anadolu Sigorta announced that it has decided to donate 10 million TL to AFAD, and Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik AŞ also announced that it will donate 10 million TL to AFAD. The Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) decided to donate 55 million TL to the earthquake area. The total value of the donations of Çalık Holding and its companies reached TL 120 million. Ahlatcı Doğalgaz Dağıtım Enerji ve Yatırım AŞ will donate 50 million TL in cash to AFAD due to the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş. Eksim Holding is establishing a tent city in Adıyaman. It has been reported that the cash aid and support provided by Maher Holding Insurance Group after the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş reached a value of 30 million TL.

Foreigners took charge

The global business world’s aid to the earthquake region continues to increase. Warner Bros. Discovery donated $1 million to victims in Turkey and Syria. US baby food maker Abbott has pledged $1.5 million in grants and product donations. AbbVie will donate $1 million to disaster response and relief efforts in Turkey and Syria. Caterpillar will donate $400,000 to support the needs of those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. German MediaMarkt has created a donation fund worth 2 million euros.

Sanko: We will bandage the wounds together

Sanko Holding announced that it has allocated 100 million liras to contribute to the mitigation of the disaster process and the healing of the wounds. In the statement of the Holding, which stated that the aid process was carried out in coordination with governorships, NGOs and all authorized institutions, the following statements were included: “Our hot meals reach 50 thousand people every day in Gaziantep, Adıyaman, Narlı and Pazarcık. To be able to create temporary living spaces in Adıyaman. We started the preparations for the container city, which will consist of 1,200 containers for the city. Our SANKO volunteer group, consisting of approximately 450 people, worked hard to support the search and rescue efforts. In the works supported by our teams, 24 people were rescued alive. We organized the products that reached the aid warehouses. The amount of the aid exceeded 20 million TL. We decided to provide 10 thousand TL of disaster aid to each of our 8 thousand employees in the disaster area in order to meet a little bit of their needs.”

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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