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Türk Telekom realized an investment expenditure of 3.3 billion TL in the first quarter of the year

Türk Telekom announced its 2023 first quarter financial and operational results. The company’s consolidated revenues increased by 61 percent year-on-year to reach TL 15.3 billion. Türk Telekom’s EBITDA (profit before interest, depreciation and tax) was TL 4.8 billion with an EBITDA margin of 31.3 percent, and net profit in the first quarter was TL 645 million. Türk Telekom, which had a total subscriber count of 52.5 million in the first quarter of the year, had 25.6 million mobile subscribers, 14.8 million fixed broadband subscribers and 31.6 million households at the end of the first quarter of 2023. specified. Having made an investment of 3.3 billion TL in the first quarter of the year, the company increased its consolidated revenues to 15.3 billion TL with an annual increase of 61 percent in the same period. Türk Telekom maintained its year-end expectations, annual increase in consolidated revenues in the range of approximately 52-55%, EBITDA in the range of approximately 23-25 ​​billion TL, and investment expenditures in the range of approximately 17-19 billion TL. Türk Telekom CEO Ümit Önal, reminding the earthquakes that took place in Turkey in February and called as an unprecedented disaster in our history, said, “In this process; While ensuring the continuity of communication in the provinces affected by the earthquake, we also focused on a series of activities for our citizens affected by the earthquake, including our employees. We are still experiencing the deep sadness of the disasters on February 6th. As Türk Telekom, we continue our investments and services in the region without interruption. As a company, we act with the same sensitivity with the effort and effort of our nation.”

Fiber network length reached 410 thousand km

Underlining that the disaster that affected 11 provinces of Turkey required the management of many issues, from ensuring the continuity of communication to supporting the people of the region, to the sensitive execution of customer activities, Ümit Önal said, “Our superior experience in customer experience, in addition to the correct use of resources and efficient coordination of logistics elements, enabled us to produce fast and targeted solutions in an environment dominated by challenging conditions. At this point; After the earthquake, we took many important steps, such as the employment project, especially for our citizens affected by the earthquake in the region. One of these steps was undoubtedly the employment project we started. In this process, we gave priority to our citizens affected by the earthquake in our new recruitments. Our priority in job applications at all levels and positions, from engineers to technicians, from finance specialists to our intern staff, was to try to reduce the effects of the earthquake, even if a little bit. In addition, we offer WiFi service over our fiber infrastructure in tent cities and container cities established in provinces affected by the earthquake. With this service, we have met many needs of our citizens there, from education to health. In addition, we delivered our truck equipped with technological experience and application areas to the region. We organized various activities in Türk Telekom Truck, especially in order to improve the social and digital skills of our children in the region, as well as to provide them with morale and motivation. Our truck program, which includes activities in many fields from workshops to play activities for children and youth, from technological applications to movie and match screenings, and many other activities, showed itself in the earthquake zone as the most concrete example of our company’s human-oriented approach.” Emphasizing that the earthquake process, which brought with it urgent needs, also redefined customer behavior, Ümit Önal said, “Our first quarter performance was reflected in line with our financial forecast in this period when unexpected situations occurred. The fact that we started the year with a positive upward momentum in revenue growth shows the increasing need and commitment of our customers to our products and services.

“Our subscriber count has reached 8.2 million”

Pointing out that the fiber network length has reached 410 thousand kilometers as of the first quarter, Önal said: “As Türk Telekom, the leader of Turkey’s digital transformation, we continue our investments in this area with a very high motivation and dedication. Thanks to our fiber investments in infrastructure, we have taken our country one step further in terms of digitalization in the Century of Turkey. Our FTTC (Fiber to the Field Cabinet) subscribers reached 8.2 million, while our FTTH/B (Fiber to the Home / Building) subscribers increased to 3.6 million. Our fiber subscriber share in the fixed broadband base increased from 71.2 percent to 79.8 percent compared to the previous year. Our fiber network length increased to 410 thousand kilometers as of the first quarter of 2023. Our fiber network covers 31.6 million households in the first quarter of this year, compared to 30.6 million in Q1 2022.” Türk Telekom CEO Ümit Önal, who stated that they will accelerate the Solar Power Plant (SPP) installation works in order to reduce the carbon footprint, contribute to climate risk management and create financial value in line with their work in the field of sustainability and strategic investment plans, said: Inc. (TEİAŞ) has announced an installed power capacity allocation of 317.8 MWe to our Company within the framework of the relevant legislation. This capacity corresponds to approximately 50 percent of our current total electricity consumption. In addition, the evaluation processes regarding the other capacity applications we have made are continuing. This development constitutes a turning point that strengthens Türk Telekom’s environmental awareness, energy efficiency and potential to increase its use of renewable energy. We believe that we will make significant progress towards achieving our sustainability goals with the initiatives we will implement in the coming period.”

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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