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İzmir is preparing for the future with ‘Green Transformation and Blue Opportunities’

Ozlem SarSIN
While İzmir creates added value for the Turkish economy with its rapidly growing industry along with its intensive agricultural activities, it is also a city that needs sustainable models. aims to reveal a critical local development strategy. IZKA Secretary General Dr. Mehmet Yavuz states that they see green growth and blue growth approaches as tools to combat climate change and to ensure the continuity of economic development by eliminating environmental threats.

In this context, Yılmaz stated that they have put forward the “Green Transformation and Blue Opportunities Perspective in İzmir”, and said that the original methodology and results of the study are a guide for decision makers in the region regarding İzmir’s green transformation and blue opportunities. Mehmet Yavuz said the following about the study: “For the first time in Turkey, combining global sustainability goals with local practices, the study covers a wide range from food industry to paper production, from recycling to vegetable production, from cattle breeding to aquaculture, from ship recycling to ports. Topics on how to implement approaches compatible with green and blue growth were discussed. The magnitude of the existing risks, how they can be reduced, and the economic, environmental and social benefits of the proposed intervention scenarios have been revealed with a unique methodology by the hard work of our Agency’s experts.” Mehmet Yavuz, who said that Izmir, which has limited natural resources, hosts many ecosystems that need to be protected, said that the city is facing serious environmental pressures such as drought due to intensive agricultural production and industrialization. On the other hand, stating that İzmir produces 10 percent of Turkey’s total waste, Yavuz continued his words as follows: “Although the waste processing sector has made a significant progress in recent years, our recycling rate is quite low. For the sustainability of İzmir, different perspectives need to be developed. Of course we will grow, increase income and well-being. However, on the other hand, to do this with sustainable methods; It is necessary to develop a production process that respects the environment, nature and people. In this context, green growth and blue growth approaches come to the fore as an important method for managing environmental pressure. We, as the Agency, placed these two approaches at the center of our work and shared our work, which reveals the green growth potential and blue growth opportunities in İzmir, with the public in 2022. Within the scope of this study, we have put forward what needs to be done in the context of green and blue growth in İzmir’s industry and agriculture in the next 10 years, on the basis of sector and location.
750 million dollars gain with 350 million dollars investment
When we consider the 6 industrial sectors that we have studied together, it is seen that these sectors need an investment of approximately 350 million dollars for the green transformation in the next 10 years, and that if this investment is made, approximately 750 million dollars will be obtained, but more importantly, thanks to these investments, 1, We have demonstrated that 6 million tons of waste reduction, 54 million cubic meters of water savings and 1.8 billion KwH energy savings will be achieved. Similar analyzes we have conducted in the context of the agricultural sector and the blue economy show us that if green investments are made, we will have a more sustainable infrastructure both economically and environmentally, and a serious economic activity will emerge with these investments.
We must carry forward Izmir’s strong port history and experience.
Emphasizing that İzmir also has important opportunities for Blue Growth, which focuses on the sea and activities related to the sea, Yavuz underlined that it should always be considered that İzmir is a five-thousand-year-old port city. stated that they put the development of ports. Izmir Ports Current Situation Analysis and Development Perspective on how Izmir, which handles 92 million tons of cargo with its 16 ports, can carry its strong port infrastructure and experience further in today’s changing conditions, and strategies that should be adopted in order to increase the attractiveness of the region in terms of maritime transport and port services. Stating that they are working with the company, Yavuz noted that the work completed in 2022 is a strong roadmap for increasing the share of maritime transport and port services sector in İzmir’s economy. Stating that TCDD İzmir Port is Revitalized, Aliağa Ports Strengthening, Çandarlı Port Specialization on Wind Energy and the Creation of İzmir Port Authority, Yavuz, as this study points out, is an expert on transportation and logistics problems and necessary infrastructure investments in the port back area in the Aliağa region. stated that they are working with a team in more detail. Defending the view that Kemalpaşa Logistics Center, which is under construction for the development of TCDD İzmir Port, Aliağa ports and Çandarlı Port, which constitutes the İzmir port ecosystem, should be operational and the center should be connected to both OIZs and ports by railway lines, İZKA Secretary General Dr. Mehmet Yavuz stated that this connection will strengthen the role of Izmir and its surroundings as a center of attraction and the Aegean Region’s position in Turkey’s production and trade.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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