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Globally opened GKN Cargo will serve in 208 countries

The company, which will provide corporate and individual cargo services in 208 countries together with its strategic business partners; In addition to large-scale shipments, it will be the solution partner of the global operations of industrialists, small and large-scale manufacturers with courier for sample shipments, Electronic Trade Customs Declaration (ETGB) for micro-export, export and customs clearance services. While GKN Cargo will be the solution partner of its customers’ e-commerce operations in its overseas structuring, it will also offer express cargo service for individual shipments. The company aims to grow by 100 percent globally in 2024 with its strong overseas structuring. operates in the county. Thanks to the innovations it brought to corporate cargo services and its strong operation structure, the company has grown by 300 percent in 4 years and carries the success it has achieved in the country to the global. The company, which will provide corporate and individual cargo services in 208 countries together with its strategic business partners, will also offer many services from sample shipment to export and customs clearance services and declarations. In addition to its customers’ e-commerce operations, GKN Cargo will also provide express cargo service for individual shipments. Rapidly increasing the number of agencies in the country, GKN Cargo will be a strong solution partner for the global integration of local manufacturers with its quality service approach and will also provide dollars-based income to its agencies.

It will grow 100 percent globally

Gökhan Akyürek, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GKN Cargo, stated that they have expanded to the global market by gaining strength from their strong operational structure, innovations they have added to the sector and the growth success they have achieved in a short time, and said, “We have been working with enthusiasm since the first day to specialize in the sector and to keep customer satisfaction at the maximum level by providing excellent service. In our journey that we started 4 years ago, we succeeded in taking strong steps in line with our goals and being the choice of many corporate brands with our innovative solutions. As GKN Cargo, we rolled up our sleeves to show the success we have achieved in the sector abroad and to reach our global goals. We will be the solution partner of our customers’ e-commerce operations, while providing corporate cargo services in 208 countries, especially for brands and SMEs that expand abroad and enter the Turkish market from abroad. In addition, we will also offer individual Express cargo service to each customer who wants to ship abroad. We believe that we will carry out a successful process and grow rapidly in the corporate and individual cargo sector abroad as well as in Turkey. Many of the world’s brands have a strong store structure in the Turkish market. These brands also have stores in many countries of the world. We carry our expertise in this field to the global by managing all the operations between stores and from warehouses to stores of these brands, with which we have corporate cooperation and will include in our portfolio. We aim for 100 percent growth with our global structuring in 2024.” said.

Revenues of domestic agencies will also be based on dollars.

Stating that they will complete the entire structuring and operation process by June, GKN Cargo General Manager Alpay Maden said, “We have started our preparations for expanding abroad. By completing all our technological infrastructure and operation process in a short time, we will start to serve with our fast and high quality solutions. We act with a growth projection at home and abroad. While we provide global cargo services in the best way with our strategic solution partners abroad, we aim to grow rapidly by increasing the number of our agencies and customers in the country. In many provinces of Turkey, there are medium and small scale producers as well as large producers. Even individual manufacturers can export to the world in the digitalized world. The age of the fast internet changed the way of communication and commerce. Now, the processes of getting offers, finding customers and opening up to new markets are at the fingertips of all manufacturers and consumers. If we can integrate with the world so quickly in terms of production and consumption, it is important to ensure the same integration in services. We, as GKN Cargo, will bring manufacturers from all over Turkey together with customers with our fast and quality services by solving international cargo process processes as well. In the same way, we will provide the income of our agencies in dollars by making individual shipments and purchases. As can be seen from the number of countries we serve, we are talking about a very large market. Our goals are big…”

Customer Experience Oriented Deliveries…

GKN Cargo, which has made a name for itself in the sector in a short time with its professional service approach, expert staff and technological infrastructure, acts with a “personalized” service approach by analyzing the demands and needs of its customers in the best way.The company that makes a difference in the sector with its innovative solutions that increase customer experience and satisfaction, Istanbul GKN Cargo provides service with authorized service providers in 39 provinces, primarily in Ankara and İzmir.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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