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6 thousand textile manufacturers from 40 countries came together in Antalya

Approximately 6 thousand ready-made clothing buyers from 40 countries met in Antalya. Buyers came together with 150 Turkish companies in the women’s, men’s, children’s, shoes, underwear and home textile sectors. It is noteworthy that Russian and Ukrainians are in the majority among foreign textile manufacturers.

Russian and Ukrainian current

Dosso Dossi Fashion Show, one of the most important organizations marketing Turkish textile products to the world, took place in Antalya. The event held at the Nest Convention Center hosted a record attendance this year. Hikmet Eraslan, Chairman of the Board of Dosso Dossi Holding, stated that Russian textile wholesalers, who could not go to Europe due to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, turned their route to Turkey and said, “A record level of Russian buyers attended this event. Ukrainian ready-made clothing buyers came in second place. We hosted 6 thousand buyers from 40 countries, including Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran and Middle East countries, in Antalya. Thanks to our Business Holiday concept, where we bring buyers and sellers together, 150 Turkish manufacturers from six main sectors presented and sold their new season products. We believe that we will increase the record export figure of 90 million dollars, which we achieved last year, even more this year.” Hikmet Eraslan, who stated that they are very happy to deliver the products of Turkish brands to every corner of the world and to contribute to the export and promotion of the country, said, “If we look at the point we have reached, the industrialists of our country can now offer high quality in all areas from production to promotion, from quality to marketing. We increase our competitiveness with products of higher quality, more diversity and innovation compared to competing countries. Expressing that they are a very big family within the scope of Dosso Dossi Fasihon Show, Hikmet Eraslan said that they were very upset about the Russia-Ukraine war and continued: “We are hosting thousands of people from 40 countries in the event we organized as a Business Holiday concept. Russians and Ukrainians have an important place among these guests. This year, approximately 1,500 Russians and 500 Ukrainians living in non-war cities came to Antalya. Here, as members of the Dosso Dossi Family, they get the opportunity to get away from their troubles for a bit and go shopping and vacation together. They also want the war to end as soon as possible. The withdrawal of famous textile brands from Russia has been an important advantage for Turkish textile brands. Russian textile wholesalers, who could not go to Europe due to the closed airspace, created a great opportunity for Turkish manufacturers. They turned the route to Turkey for both vacation and shopping. The intense interest in this event is an important sign of that.”

“We provide employment to 30 thousand people”

Hikmet Eraslan, who added that they have worked with more than 1,500 domestic manufacturers and hosted more than 50 thousand foreign guests in the past 20 years, said, “We are growing by including men, children, shoes, underwear and home textiles on the way we started with only women’s creations. We are making Turkey’s largest fashion organizations. We bring buyers and sellers together. We do both vacation and work. We have realized a transaction volume of approximately one billion dollars in 20 years. We rank 38th in textile exports in Turkey. Thanks to our event, we provide employment to an average of 30 thousand people.”

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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