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The Customer Experience

Customer Experience is increasingly important for organizations that want to stand out in the market and retain your customers. According to Accenture, 80% of consumers are willing to pay more for a positive brand experience. In addition, Customer Experience can easily become a competitive advantage over competitors and be a decisive factor for the success or failure of an organization. But what is Customer Experience anyway? In a simple sense, these are all interactions a customer has with a brand, from the first contact to after-sales. This ranges from the quality of the product or service offered to attention and problem solving.

Customer loyalty

Customer Experience is therefore much more than simple satisfaction with the product or service purchased. It’s a whole universe that includes emotions, impressions and expectations. A good Customer Experience can create loyalty, increase loyalty and result in positive recommendations for the brand. And let’s not forget that it costs more for organizations to acquire new customers than it does to retain and retain current ones. As Shaun Smith, co-author of Managing the Customer Experience, says: “The Customer Experience is the sum of all the interactions a customer you have with your brand and each interaction contributes to the brand’s overall perception”. But how can you ensure a good Customer Experience? Here are some examples:

Know your customer

To deliver an exceptional Customer Experience, you need to to know the needs, desires of customers and consumer behavior. This can be done through market studies, Focus Groups, data analysis, monitoring of social networks, observation of behavior, direct collection of feedback through questionnaires, among other techniques.

Offer customized solutions

Customized solutions for customers can be very effective in improving the experience. These may include personalized payment options, delivery options, personalized product recommendations, personalization and humanization of communication or differentiated customer service, for example. Use technology (CRM) and innovation (Artificial Intelligence) to free your teams for what really matters: the human contact.

be transparent

Organizations must be transparent in all interactions with customers. It is fundamental provide clear and accurate information about products and services, as well as being honest about prices, contractual terms or delivery times. In addition, organizations must be quick and effective in solving problems and resolving customer queries, maintaining open communication channelspermanent and easy to use.

Train customer service teams

Customer service teams are the face of the company and play a crucial role in the Customer Experience. Therefore, it is important to train them to be friendly, efficient and professional, using continuous training, manuals and support guides, such as Tone of Voice documents. Teams with a high Emotional Intelligence quotient are high performance teams.

Create a culture of good Customer Experience

To ensure that Customer Experience is a top priority, it is important to create an internal culture that values ​​the importance of Customer Experience. This may include encouraging employees to Put the customer first and reward good performance in terms of Customer Experience. It is important to remember that Customer Experience doesn’t end after purchase. It is essential that companies maintain a close relationship with customers through a solid after-sales strategy that includes loyalty programs, periodic follow-up contacts, satisfaction surveys and other means of maintaining contact.

Success depends on the relationship with the Customer

In short, Customer Experience is a key part of the success of any organization. It is essential that companies dedicate time and resources to understanding your target audience and customers, offering customized solutions and building relationships based on transparency, empathy and trust. Everyone wins.At Doutor Finance, in 2022, we had a global Net Promoter Score of 86, we received 135 compliments from our customers, out of 900 comments we had a 4.9 on a scale of 1-5 on Google Reviews, we had a complaint rate for every 100 customers of 0.0041% and our most praised service was the intermediation in Mortgage Loans. All in one service at no cost and with total security and transparency for our customers.These results are the fruit of the various seeds that were planted and that allow us to provide the Customer with an experience of excellence. Bet on a transparent and proximity policy, make your customers loyal and watch your results increase. Ângelo Valente, graduated from Porto Business School, Kellogg School of Management, ISEG, Stanford School of Business and Harvard Business School, is the CXO of Doutor Financeira and has more than 20 years of experience, very dedicated to Marketing and Digital, both in Portugal and abroad. The person in charge has already held the position of Executive Director of the London School of Design and Marketing, in the United Kingdom.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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