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Sold a car and ownership hasn’t transferred? know what to do

When selling a car, as a general rule, the transfer of ownership is done as quickly as possible so that the future buyer remains the owner of the vehicle. However, this does not always happen, and later unpleasant surprises can arise, such as fines or non-payment of tolls. If you have already gone through or have a similar situation to solve, know what can you do to solve the problem.

In what situations should I register the transfer of ownership of the car?

Whenever you sell a vehicle, you must register the transfer of ownership. if you don’t up to 60 days after the car is sold, there is a 50% aggravation in the value of the transfer, in addition to being subject to additional fines. Regardless of whether you sell your car to a private individual, car dealership or others, the process is always the same. This means that you need the same documents, namely the Single Automobile Document (DUA), the declaration of purchase and sale, and the identification documents of the intervenients. In the case of an individual, the possible identification documents are the identity card, citizen card, driving license, or passport. If it is a company, then the document you must have in your possession is the permanent certificate. The transfer of ownership of a vehicle is essential and impacts the buyer, but also the seller. As a buyer, if you don’t transfer ownership, you will in effect be driving a car that you don’t own. Similarly, if you as a seller do not transfer the car to the future owner, all expenses are borne by you, namely taxes and other costs. Read more: Will you sell the car? Don’t forget to change the ownership register

Check if the car still appears on the Finance Portal

When you transfer ownership of a vehicle to your name, this information is now available on the Finance Portal. Conversely, whenever you sell a vehicle, that information is no longer available. Often, the fact that this information continues to appear on the portal, even after the car has already been sold, it is a warning sign. Even if the vehicle appears as yours on the Portal, the Tax Authority can not solve this problem. You must contact Vehicle Registry Office or the Mobility and Transport Institute (IMT), as these institutions are responsible for registering cars and issuing license plates, respectively.Read more: Car without insurance? Do you know what could happen to you?

How can I transfer car ownership?

The transfer of ownership of a vehicle can be requested by three different entities: the owner who will acquire the vehicle, the company / stand, or else a legal representative, such as a lawyer. If you prefer to do it in person, you can go to a service desk at Citizen’s Shop, IMT or Vehicle Registration Conversation. If you prefer the online route, you can do so through Automóvel Online.If you opt for the online route, you only need to fill in the details of the buyer and seller, in addition to information related to the vehicle. Then you must apply for a change of ownership and pay the costs associated with the process (if you are the buyer). Please note that if the change request is made by the buyer, it is necessary for the seller to confirm his data. Only after this verification you must pay the costs of transferring ownership.Read more: Car sharing: How this alternative to car ownership works

What can happen if you don’t transfer ownership of the car?

In some cases where the transfer of ownership of the vehicle is not carried out, the explanation is in the additional charge for the company and as the car is usually not in the stand’s possession for a long time, this expense tends to be avoided. The same happens when you sell a car to a private individual, whose objective is to sell the vehicle afterwards. vehicle is still in your name after some time, you can require the buyer to register the transfer of ownership. In the event that he does not do so, he may have the vehicle seized or registered in the name of the buyer.Read more: Will you sell your car? Learn how to transfer credit to the buyer

seize the vehicle

One of the solutions to solve this problem is to have the vehicle seized. For this, dmust communicate this intention to a Vehicle Registry Office. There is a range of information you will need to provide, including proof that you still own the vehicle. Know that after the request, this does not mean that you are safeguarded against potential fines, non-payments or other expenses improperly incurred by others. In the same way, you will have to continue to pay all taxes associated with the vehicle that is still in your name. The time until your vehicle is seized is undetermined and you have to wait for the registry office to contact you. Read more: Did your car crash when it was parked? know what to do

Cancel vehicle registration

There are several reasons for deregistering a car, namely if you have sold your vehicle and the new owner has not registered it in your name. To request the cancellation of the registration, you must go to an IMT service desk, and you must take with you all the documents that prove that you are still the owner. on your behalf, you may also choose to cancel to resolve the issue. However, be aware that you must have the certificate of destruction in your possession. Therefore, whenever you send your car to slaughter, make sure you are delivering it to an authorized slaughter center. If this does not happen and you do not have the certificate of destruction, you must also opt for the seizure of the vehicle, in addition to canceling the registration. It should also be noted that the request for cancellation of enrollment always have associated costs.Read more: Are you going to buy a car? Know what certificates are used

What should I do and ensure in the future?

Ideally, whenever a vehicle is sold, you must go to a Vehicle Registration Office or Citizen’s Store to make the transfer, together with the buyer. Thus, you will have the guarantee that the registration has been completed. At that moment, as a buyer, you are entitled to receive a receipt that proves that the vehicle is now in your name. Likewise, if you decide to send your vehicle for scrapping, you must ask for the registration to be cancelled. Although these little tips seem simple, they don’t always have a place in people’s daily lives. However, these steps can make all the difference, especially to avoid potential problems.Also read: Electric cars: Advantages and disadvantages to consider before purchasing The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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