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Marketing is not just flyers

Marketing, as an area that defines the positioning, promotes the value proposition, attracts and takes care of customers, is extremely important for the development and the results of any company, brand or personal brand, whether small, medium or large. , that is to say, obtaining contacts from potential clients who might be interested in buying a property. However, it is not at this stage that thinking about your marketing strategy becomes crucial to obtain consistent results. In recent years, in addition to dedicating myself to training and consultancy for real estate mediation companies, I have extended my consultancy activity to developers and investors who recognize that they can boost the profitability of their business in an initial phase of project involving several areas. One of these areas, and where I also intervene in partnership, is precisely in the marketing area. In this case, in the definition of the marketing strategy that you define at the outset, and according to the study to be carried out, which concept, product, communication and marketing produce the best and fastest results.

Strategic plan

To arrive at a strategic communication plan that guarantees success, it is vital to start at the beginning, that is, start by studying the market. Only then does it make sense to move on to the definition of the product to be built or, at the limit, to the decision not to invest at all! If the product already exists, as in the case of real estate mediation, the knowledge of the market and the people in that market it is also vital to understand which form of product promotion will yield the best results for the intended target, that is, how, to whom and with what tools we must communicate the property to transact it correctly, in a short space of time. time. After all, that’s the expectation! Marketing is therefore not just flyers, nor just persuasion techniques. Before that, there is a fundamental path to be defined that will have to be followed respecting at least two steps that I consider fundamental for a good market analysis that, if done well, will definitely lay the right foundations to develop good marketing. Also read: Goodbye boomers, hello millennials

Description of the offer

A very important step to understand who competes with your product (property) is to compare the offer (similar competing properties), and comparable (similar properties in other locations). Aspects to take into account for this analysis: characteristics of the location and surroundings; existing product; typologies; medium areas; average values ​​(whether asking price or sold); absorption times (time in days/months it takes to sell since the promotion to the CPCV); characteristics of competing and comparable properties that contribute as differentiation factors (specific location, accessibility, architecture, view, solar orientation, quality of construction (materials, finishes, equipment), date of construction, state of conservation (for used houses), technology , energy efficiency, housing facilities and common spaces (parking, swimming pool, elevator, green spaces), among others. in a given area or segment, its surroundings, the characteristics, cycles and evolution of the behavior of demand, supply, prices and average absorption times over time. don’t fall behind

Characterization of demand

Who makes the price is the buyer and who buys is definitely the buyer, so you will agree with me when I consider the characterization of the current and potential demand of the surroundings as one of the most sensitive points to get your marketing strategy right that will result in sales.Aspects to take into account for this analysis: analysis of demographic statistics; analysis of demand trends: who bought, what and how? Knowing the segments, what these people look for and value, their buying habits, the trends they follow, motivations, needs, power of purchase and the financing necessary and available to acquire a property product, are some of the aspects to assess in order to previously assess the opportunities and threats that your marketing strategy will have to take into account in order to surgically attract the right potential customer, in the right time, for your property. Obtaining and methodically studying this information requires knowledge, dedication and especially time, with the research part being sometimes the most important, it requires close and constant listening to the market on the ground. But this is definitely the most effective way to define the product’s price point, that is, the right price to place and promote the product on the market, which is supported and credible by the marketing strategy and proposal that believes to be the best for each person. and each property. And now, yes, you can, with certainty, think and produce the right flyer for your property! Read more: The role of technology in improving the future of real estate “Real estate is my life and my life is dealing with people.” Living in Lisbon and working in Portugal, Spain and Italy, Massimo Forte is above all passionate about real estate, a business that he considers to be from people to people. With more than 25 years of experience in the largest real estate brokerage companies, he is now dedicated to consulting, training and sharing knowledge as one of the biggest Real Estate Influencers in Portugal. The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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