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How do you treat your leads?

Never heard so much about leads

At least in the real estate market, at a time when supply is scarce in relation to demand and which causes one of the characteristics associated with this market to be markedly verified, the imbalance.


Because when there is slowness in placing real estate offers on the market, the search always ends up moving a little further ahead. But when the demand is satisfied, the supply suffers from an imbalance and causes the inverse excess of supply leads, compared to the number of demand leads.

But after all, what is a lead?

Portugal often adopts Anglo-Saxon terms, and this one, widely used in the English language in sales and marketing activities, was no exception. business opportunity.translates into obtaining contact details of a person or company who may become a potential customer because they showed interest in the service or product promoted by another person, brand or company. The word lead has gained even more relevance in digital marketing, spreading to real estate activity by the hand of North American origin associated with CRM programs. Any business lives off the ability to generate a large number of contacts (or if you prefer leads) to be able to create greater closing opportunities, that is, to be able to achieve the objective you set out to achieve. Read more: Marketing is not just flyers

So far it seems to me that you will agree with me, right?

But the question I pose is the following: With the proliferation of the internet and especially of social networks, and in the face of a situation of shortage of owners who want to sell to satisfy hungry buyers, and also taking into account the excess of agents and real estate agencies in this market eager to do business, will it be that:

– “Anything goes, really anything, to get a lead?”

This obsession and focus only on obtaining leads has led people, agencies and brands to use techniques and tactics often on the margins of ethics and bordering on intrusion, even going over the famous GPRD many times. strategy takes time. And by time I mean months, and even years, and that can mean for many premature bankruptcy of your business or activity.Also read: Fast food of digital content

I don’t think it’s worth it all

I would say that, in order to overcome the obsession with leads at all costs, it will be necessary to reflect on the foundations of the business and its priorities, to realize that at the base of the concept of any commercial strategy is the pure definition of what a lead represents. And a lead is essentially a a person’s need.If you focus on the person, on their needs, fears and anxieties, you will be able to awaken their attention.

People are not leads, they are people, and therefore they must be treated as such.

treat people as people and not as numbers. Just focus on empathy and the foundations of a first relationship: Offer something first, before asking for anything; Treat people by name; Give them useful and relevant information; of the seller’s market will cause many people who only focus on leads and money to have a tendency to look for activities other than real estate. of consumers by too much focus on your digital strategies to obtain leads, which often abused persuasion, taking it to an extreme that was not advisable. medium and long term, and if you sow, you will reap.If you continue to treat people like numbers, if you don’t think that behind every number there is someone who needs your help, then possibly your short-term business could stop one day, without you even realizing how and why. : The real estate market is really going to change, don’t be left behind “Real estate is my life and my life is dealing with people.” Living in Lisbon and working in Portugal, Spain and Italy, Massimo Forte is above all passionate about real estate, a business that he considers to be from people to people. With more than 25 years of experience in the largest real estate brokerage companies, he is now dedicated to consulting, training and sharing knowledge as one of the biggest Real Estate Influencers in Portugal. The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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