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Download up to 3 days: What has changed and how you can order

Now you no longer need to go to a health unit to be given a down to three days. That is, through SNS24 you can issue excuses for absences with a self-declaration on honor. However, you can only twice a year.This amendment to the Labor Code came into force on 1st May and is included in the Decent Work Agenda package. In this article, we explain what has changed.

What are the advantages of this measure?

The main advantages of this measure are:Makes life easier for the worker given that he does not need to go to the health center to justify his absence from work; There is a alleviation of administrative workload from doctors at health centers who can allocate this time to provide more consultations. Also read: Support for health at home: What services are there and how do they work?

How sick leave of up to 3 days works

With this measure, the current Certificate of Temporary Disability issued by the doctor to justify absence from work is replaced by a self-declaration of the worker’s illness, under his or her honor commitment.Therefore, you can issue this self-declaration in one of the following ways: in the personal area of ​​the SNS24 Portal;at App SNS24;or even, if digital transmission is not possible, through the SNS24 line (808 24 24 24). Thus, as already happens in other European countries, is the worker himself who now has the responsibility of justifying his absence from work because he was sick. In order to issue the leave, the worker will receive a code by SMS or emailwhich you should share with your employer, to inspection effects.In other words, the employer will verify the authenticity of the declaration in order to be able to validate it on the SNS24 portal. Also read: Disability certificate: What to do to access benefits?

When can I apply for self-declaration of illness?

You can apply for self-declaration of illness in a maximum period of five days, counted from the first day of absence due to illness. For example, if you need to prove a situation of illness between Monday and Wednesday, you must request the self-declaration between Monday and Friday of the same week.

Who can apply for a drop?

Any worker with a age 16 years or olderthe private sector or the public sector.

What is the duration?

The self-declaration only justifies an absence from work at most up to three consecutive days. This means that the low can last one, two or three days in a row.

How many 3-day leave can be requested?

Each worker can request a leave of absence for up to three days, at most. twice a year. This means that, in practice, the worker can justify by means of a self-declaration issued in the SNS24 up to six days absence from work.

What if I exceed this drop limit?

If you have already requested two leaves of up to three days through SNS24 and need to be sick in the same year from work, then you must go to the health center to prove incapacity for work.

What if the illness lasts for more than 3 days?

If it is necessary to extend the leave beyond three days, then the worker must go to the hospital or health center to extend the leave. The medical appointment to be evaluated by a professional. On the other hand, if the doctor concludes that he is still unable to work, he will replace the self-declaration issued by the SNS24 with a certificate of temporary disability.

Does Social Security pay these casualties?

In reality, no! General rule, the SS only pays casualties from the fourth day where you are unable to work. That is, the first three days are not paid. This means that, for example, if you have an 8-day sick leave, the SS only pays for the last 5 days. Even so, there are employers who guarantee the remuneration of their employees when they have sick leave of up to three days. It is up to each employer to decide whether or not to maintain the procedure for justifications based on self-declaration of illness.

Are absences justified by SNS24 paid?

No. As with sick leave lasting up to three days, absences justified with a statement from the SNS24 do not entitle to payment of sickness benefit.

How to apply for self-declaration of illness

To request a self-declaration of illness, you must: Enter the personal area of ​​the SNS24 portal;Begin session with your digital mobile key, citizen card or health user number; Menu “I need… Self-declaration of illness”; Enter the disease onset date and confirm the declaration. You can make this request through app SNS24. The steps are similar to those already indicated. If you are unable to request a self-declaration of illness through the SNS 24 portal or app, you can still request a self-declaration through the 24 Saúde line (808 24 24 24).Also read: From telecommuting to layoffs: What changes at work in May The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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