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Do you know how to check the insurance by the registration of your car?

Do you know what situations it may be useful to check the insurance by registration? Unforeseen events happen to everyone and when you least expect it, you may need to present your car insurance details. Thus, there are situations where aplan B” can avoid some concerns. For example, imagine that you have a car accident and you don’t have the green card with you and the corresponding sticker placed on the windscreen. Well then, if you know how to access the insurance data by the license plate manages to sign the friendly declaration. Otherwise, you had a problem at hand! Furthermore, you may at any time need prove to the police authorities (for example, in a “STOP” operation) that the vehicle is safe. Now, if you don’t have the information at hand, you have a headache to solve! Finally, in buying a used car you can also find out the respective insurance history through the registration. In this way, the advantages of knowing how to check the insurance by registration are clear! Read more: Insurance: Had an accident? Know your rights and obligations

How can you verify the insurance data by registration?

To check the insurance data by registration, simply access the website of the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority (ASF). Then you just need to enter the following information:The registration of the vehicle; and the date you want to search (by default, the system assumes the current data). Then, and if the vehicle has a valid insurance (is mandatory)a page will appear with the following information: insurance company name;The date beginning and end of the insurance; finally, the policy number.If you need to print the car insurance information, just click on “print version” in the top right corner of the page.

Use the App “Do you have insurance?”

For those who are adept at new technologies, ASF also provides an app for the same effect: “Do you have insurance?”. With this app, you can check your license plate insurance in three ways. They are: Take a photo of the license plate using your smartphone; Use a photo of the pre-existing license plate; Finally, enter the license plate manually.

Don’t have insurance?

If, when inserting the license plate, you do not obtain any data (the page will appear “blank”), this means that the respective car do not have valid insurance on the date indicated. Please note, ASF updates its database weekly.

Check insurance by license plate: what to do if you don’t have valid insurance?

If you happen to have a car accident and the person responsible for the accident does not have insurance to cover the damage, as an injured person you can resort to the Automobile Guarantee Fund (FGA). In other words, this fund, managed by the ASF, assumes responsibility for compensation due in this type of situation.In Portugal, it is mandatory to have car civil liability insurance. The fines for not having this insurance can vary between 500 and 2,500 euros.In short, the FGA can intervene when the nature of the accident results in compensation payment owed by:

bodily harm

in which orresponsible is unknown;wherein person responsible does not benefit from valid and effective insurance;When is it declared insolvency of the insurance company;Furthermore, the fund may provide compensation for bodily harm that is significant, when the person responsible for the damage is unknown;

Materials damage

when the vehicle causing the accident remains abandoned at the accident site, not having valid and effective insurance (after the respective report that must confirm the presence of the vehicle at the accident site). when the person responsible, being known, does not benefit from valid and effective insurance.Also read: Car insurance: Define your priorities to reach the ideal The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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