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Crisis increases poverty risk for households with people with disabilities

The numbers are clear and leave little room for doubt: “In households of people with disabilities, aged between 16 and 64 yearsthe risk of poverty (in 2021) was 31.2%, almost double that recorded in households without people with disabilities (18.8%)” (in Report “People with Disabilities in Portugal – Human Rights Indicators 2022”, 6th edition, authored by the Observatory of Disability and Human Rights – ODDH/ISCSP-ULisboa).According to data from the Survey on Living Conditions and Income , provided by the European Union Statistical Service (Eurostat), cited by the ODDH Report, in evolutionary terms, since 2014 there have been constant improvements in all households in Portugal. However, in 2021, this trend reversedintensifying the difficulties, particularly in households with people with disabilitieswhich may be related to the economic and financial crisis triggered by the pandemic. In Portugal, the average cost of living for a disabled person is much higher than that of a person without a disability. At the same time, but in counter-cyclethe income of people with disabilities tends to be much lower and directed, to a large extent, to respond to basic needs such as therapies, medication, among other essential needs for the well-being and experience of this segment of the population. , Associação Salvador developed a questionnaire in which it addresses issues such as the economic situation, the level of autonomy, the main barriers felt in different areas of life, among others. conclusions, which corroborate the data mentioned above. Proof of this is evident when we analyze the monthly net income and 61% of respondents say they receive less than €900 per month and 75% consider that this income is not enough to meet expenses.Read more: Podcast: “People with disabilities seize opportunities otherwise”

Delays in State responses contribute to growing isolation

To face these difficulties and reduce the existing barriers, the State grants some benefits to people with disabilities, such as, for example, support for the purchase of assistive products (wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc.), ease in purchasing or building a house, assignment of a personal assistant, job incentives, among other tax benefits, which guarantee their full, equitable and autonomous participation in society. . Although the law stipulates a maximum period of 60 days for the completion of the medical committee in which the degree of incapacity is assigned and the respective certificate is issued, the reality is quite different. More than 46% of those surveyed by Associação Salvador say they wait more than 6 months for the certificate to be issued.Even so, the problem does not stop there since, even after the AMIM is assigned, of the 59% of people who have support products allocated by the State, 34% waited more than 6 months to obtain them and 53% had additional costs while waiting, seeing themselves forced to go ahead with the purchase of support products, to bear costs with transport, physiotherapy, housing works, among others, waiting, later, for reimbursement. faster financing of support products for people with disabilities or temporary incapacity. Currently, the Law stipulates that the State has 90 days, after the beginning of each year, to define the amount of funds allocated to prescribing entities and 45 days, after deferral, for the delivery of support products. However, the reality is quite different and, as can be seen, deadlines are not met. On May 12, the bill was approved by all parties, with the exception of the Socialist Party, which voted against it, without any justification.It is evident the increased difficulty on the part of people with disabilities to invest in areas of life that enhance their well-being and social integration, adding to the scarcity of information available on existing support and complementary responses to subsidies, and the physical barriers and social factors in accessing services. This combination of factors results in social isolation and a decrease in initiative and self-esteem of people with disabilities.Although we are categorical in our intention not to substitute ourselves for the State, Associação Salvador’s mission is directly related to promoting the inclusion of people with motor disabilities in society and improving their quality of lifewhich, of course, does not allow us to lower our arms.Read more: People with disabilities with their lives on pause due to delays in the AMIM

Quality of Life Action has already changed the lives of hundreds of people with motor disabilities

It was in this sense that more than 15 years ago, we started the Quality of Life Action projectas a way of responding to the countless requests for help that come to us every year from people with motor disabilities who do not have the necessary financial resources to guarantee a dignified quality of life, being forced to put projects, dreams and ambitions on hold. through which we seek to know each case and evaluate it, resorting to an external jury and according to previously defined criteria and requirements, thus attributing direct and specific support to people with motor disabilities and proven lack of financial resources. There are three categories with different objectives: “works at home”, which aims to eliminate barriers to a life with dignity; “Adapted Sports Equipment”, in order to create conditions for the development of a sporting activity and/or improvement of training and sports performance; It is “Training and Employment”, as a way of increasing skills and knowledge for better integration into the world of work and/or stimulating entrepreneurship. Vocational Training, Ministry of Health or others, however, there are always more urgent exceptional situations that we try to respond to through Extra Support, shared by Associação Salvador, Entities or individuals.In 15 years, we have already changed the lives of 597 people with motor disabilities and their families, in a total of more than 1.5 million euros allocated in support, thus contributing, in a very concrete way, to the increase in disposable income of households, through the “Training and Employment” category; for increasing autonomy and security at home and in day-to-day activities, thanks to “Obras em Casa”; or to increase regular sports practice, which contributes to greater self-esteem, socialization and well-being, through the allocation of “Adapted Sports Equipment”. Quality of Life Action, in which we will announce the support given in this particularly special edition, as it takes place in the year that we mark 20 years of existence and work with people with motor disabilities and society.It has been 20 years of many battles and countless barriers, but, above all, it has been 20 years of many achievements. Today, we have a country that is more alert to issues such as accessibility, inclusion and equal opportunities. However, the road is still long and only possible with the effort and commitment of all, without exception.Also read: From April 1st, consign your IRS and help those who need it most Associação Salvador, founded by Salvador Mendes de Almeida in 2003, is a Social Solidarity Institution that works in the area of ​​motor disability. Over time, it has developed different and ambitious projects that have had excellent results and a demonstrated impact on improving the integration and quality of life of countless people with disabilities, enhancing their talents and raising awareness of equal opportunities. The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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