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Are you moving house? Know what documentation to change

In addition to all the bureaucracy with credit and insurance applications, going through the change process itself, the “tasks” inherent in passage to another house, do not end here. That is, there is still need to update the most diverse documents for them to move to their new home. Therefore, in this article, we will list these same documents, also explaining how to change them.

Address on all official documents

The first address changes you must make go through official documents, i.e. citizen card and single vehicle document. Since the address is no longer on the driving licence, you no longer need to change the address on this document. Thus, the address found in the IMT database is based on that of the citizen’s card.

Citizen Card

The main document to change is the citizen card. And you can do it in two ways: online or in person. If you opt for the online form, you will need a card reading device and then you must go to the Portal do Cidadão website, in the address change section. It is important to remember that, in order to enter this site, you will need to use the PIN of your citizen card (given when you requested or renewed it). In addition, you need the aforementioned reader and also all the information regarding the new address. After making this change, you will receive a letter at home to finalize the change, accessing the citizen’s portal again. The option of carrying out this process online has immense advantages, as it avoids queues and long waiting times. Furthermore, you can consider yourself cost-free, as the only thing you need is the card reader, which you can always borrow. On the contrary, if you prefer to deal with the subject personally must driveGo to a Citizen’s Office, to the section of the IRN (Institute of Registries and Notaries). Once there, you must go to the counter and place your order. In this case, the change will have the cost of three euros. After this first trip, you will have to wait until you receive a letter at home confirming this request. When you receive this document, you should go to Loja do Cidadão again to confirm the new address. It is important to point out that, in these two trips, you should have the Citizen card PIN, as well as the address PIN (both received when purchasing the Citizen Card).

single vehicle document

The alteration of the Single Automobile Document (DUA) is very similar to that of the Citizen Card. As in the previous document, this process also can be done online or in person. If you opt for the face-to-face option, you must go to the IRN section, at Loja do Cidadão, and take a photocopy of the Citizen Card, with the updated address. In addition, you must bring the registration certificate, as well as the duly completed Vehicle Registration Application. It’s important make sure that this change has costs and is around 65€. However, if you choose to carry out the process online, you must enter the Automóvel Online website. Once on this site, you must select the option “other requests” and then “change of name/denomination and/or change of residence/headquarters”. As with the Citizen Card, you will need a card reader, as well as the respective PIN. In addition, you should also have your DUA with your car data. If you choose to do the change online, you may benefit from a slight discount, when compared to the in-person option.Read more: Moving house: 11 issues you really have to deal with

Car insurance information

If you are moving house and have a car, don’t forget to tell your insurer. Depending on the insurer, this change may or may not have associated costs. When moving house, if you move to a different city than the one that was initially in force in your insurance, there may be a readjustment in the value of the premium, as there are certain municipalities that are considered to be at greater risk. However, if the move is within the same municipality, there will hardly be any change in costs. Read more: Are you moving house? Don’t forget to change your address

Address in telecommunications packages

With the change of house, also have to change the telecommunications service whatever you have. In this case, you can just transfer what you already had to the new residence, or opt for a new package. Bear in mind that a telecommunications contract is associated with an address and not with a holder. Thus, a simple change of residence may mean having to sign a new contract, such as a new loyalty period. This is due to the fact that the operator needs to reinstall and activate equipment, which results in costs, not to mention the manpower to do so. Thus, it may not compensate you to transfer the package to the new address. Before making a decision, review your previous contract and check whether you are still in the loyalty period or not. If not, check with the operator if there is no package that compensates you more than the previous one. If it does not exist, just ask for the transfer of the previous one without creating a new contract, that is, keeping all the characteristics. This communication must be made in writing, by email or registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. If you are still within the loyalty period, check if the change of address allows you to transfer the contract without any payments.Read more: Are you moving house? Follow these tips so that nothing gets in the way.

Communicate new address at work

If you are moving house, do not forget to inform the Human Resources/Financial Department at your place of work. That way, you’ll have all your information up to date and you won’t run the risk of receiving important mail related to your work activity in a house you no longer live in. Read more: Buying a house on plan: Opportunities and risks

Move to the health center in your area of ​​residence (optional)

O access to primary health care are something you should consider when moving house, especially when there is a change of municipality. If you want to start using the health unit in your area of ​​residence, you should go to it with your citizen card and proof of address. Then, and after you register at the respective health unit, you will be assigned a family doctor or you will be put on a waiting list. Also read: Save at home and in the car: Reduce water and energy costs

Notify the bank and other financial institutions

Banks and other financial institutions with whom you work must also be informed of the change of address, in order to update this information in their processes. To do so, simply go to one of the branches and take proof of address with you, which can be, for example, a water or electricity bill for your new home. However, please note that some sites require official proof, in which case an invoice would not be enough. To obtain this type of proof, you must go to the website of the Finance Portal and print the document in question. Also read: What are the costs of building a house?

resident badge

If you live in busy cities, you’ve certainly heard of the resident badge. This document is not mandatory, so please there are many people who don’t have it. The resident badge is a seal that allows citizens who live in paid parking areas to park in these places freely and free of charge. This couplet is valid for one year and must be renewed regularly. In addition, it only allows people to park on the streets belonging to their area of ​​residence. It is important to remember that, before changing the address on the couplet, you must do so on your citizen card, as It is through this document that the resident badge is issued.Also read: Did you know that houses have a guarantee?

How to proceed with the census?

With regard to voter registration, from the moment you update the address on your citizen card, this information is transferred automatically. In the following elections, you may know your polling station in two ways: Going to the town hall or parish council, or sending an SMS to the number 3838, following the format RE (space) CC number (space) date of birth (YYYYMMDD). houses in 2023? The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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