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Are less or more houses sold in July and August?

We are almost to the vacation period and the much desired month of August. A traditionally quieter period, in which many take the opportunity to slow down, anxiously awaiting the big holidays throughout the year, while others hope that it will pass quickly because it can mean a lot of confusion in the chosen destinations, or, for many commercials – even in real estate – a decrease in sales.

Seasonality in the real estate market: Yes or no?

I’m one of those who believes that there is no seasonality in the real estate market, especially in the residential market. There are, yes, changes in demand due to economic factors and confidence indices. My conviction is based on my practical experience, which for more than 30 years tells me that The need for a house to live in is not linked to periods of the year.Also read: Why do housing prices go up and down?

What motivates the search for a house?

Let’s analyze what moving house is usually related to: We leave our parents’ house when we want independence; When we decide to marry or live with someone; When we change jobs to a distant place or with complicated traffic; the first time; When our family grows again; When the children change or need to change schools; When, unfortunately (or not), we get divorced or separated; When we need to reduce our expenses due to less favorable economic conditions; When we can change for the better because savings and current financial gain allow us; When life plays a trick on us or goes its way and we leave someone responsible for selling our house; Or, simply, because we feel like it…Read more: Slowdown in the house: After the signs, the confirmation We change because these situations happen to us in life, and others that I possibly didn’t mention, and that, most of the time, they have nothing to do with the seasons of the year, or with the months themselves…Yes, it is true that, from now until August, 70 to 80% of the Portuguese are focused on their holidays. Your thoughts are wholly turned towards that goal and this can affect the expectations of real estate agents and their clients in this period of the year. But one thing is certain: people continue to leave home, get married, marry, have children, change jobs, move to another city, have more children, get divorced or separated. , dying and moving house, simply because they want and desire and that determines their willingness to take action, even if they are 40º in the shade outside. number of visits may decreasecontacts tend to be less frequent, but their quality will increase and, consequently, the level of service may even improve in certain situations. But, even with the uncertainty in the face of the current macroeconomic climate, families will continue to move forward with the purchase and sale of homes in Portugal. Coming to the holiday period, we need to see opportunities where others see difficulties. Also read: What should you require from a real estate agent? “Real estate is my life and my life is dealing with people.” Living in Lisbon and working in Portugal, Spain and Italy, Massimo Forte is above all passionate about real estate, a business that he considers to be from people to people. With more than 25 years of experience in the largest real estate brokerage companies, he is now dedicated to consulting, training and sharing knowledge as one of the biggest Real Estate Influencers in Portugal. The information contained in the article is not binding and does not invalidate the full reading of documents that support the matter in question.

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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