Author: Anton Kovačić

Google has recently communicated new guidelines regarding the handling of AI-generated content in search results. These guidelines confirm previous statements by SEO experts that content technology is less important than delivering value to users and avoiding manipulation of search engines. In light of Google’s statement, SEO experts need to rethink their approach to AI in their work. Important aspects to consider include the interplay between Google and AI technology, risks and limitations of using AI for content creation, and what skills SEO experts need to adapt. Both Google and Microsoft Bing have already integrated AI technology to improve search results…

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A Love Brand represents a concept that goes far beyond a successful business. In short, it is when a brand “wins the hearts” of customers, who become true ambassadors, making the brand loved and valued. The brands that are in this universe go beyond the barriers of simple recognition and customer satisfaction. They create emotional ties with their target audience, which translates into a lasting and loyal relationship. These brands are capable of arousing passion, emotion and loyalty and are characterized by: Offering products or services of high quality Have one own identity and an empathetic and interesting story. socially…

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It seems likely that the pre-epidemic figures will be exceeded in half of the countries for which Allianz Trade has analyzed the bankruptcy levels for 2023, and in three-fifths for 2024. In Europe, bankruptcies increased by 41 percent annually to 59 thousand in 2023, in the UK by 16 percent to 28 thousand 500, in Germany by 22 percent to 17 thousand 800 and in Italy with an increase of 24 percent. It is expected to reach 8900. In the USA, on the other hand, a 49 percent increase in bankruptcies is expected in 2023 as a result of tighter…

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Sequel to Charles Ponzi: The Man Who Named the Pyramid Scheme [Parte I]The pot of gold at the end of the rainbowIt was 1918, and there are reports that Charles had taken up his father-in-law’s business – a grocery store – and had managed to ruin it quickly. After a few more failed ventures, he continued to chase his rainbow. Even he might be a dreamer, but at least he was a persevering dreamer; someone for whom failure never fades. And suddenly, when he came across a guide on international coupons in response, he thought he had found his big…

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Within the scope of the elections to be held on May 14, by the Supreme Election Board (YSK), ballot box committees were established in 73 countries and 156 foreign representative offices for 3 million 416 thousand 98 voters registered in the foreign electoral roll. Those who cannot vote within the specified time in their country will be able to vote at the customs gates until 14 May. For these voters, 4,671 customs ballot box committees were established at customs. Voting will continue for 24 hours at 46 customs gates. 3 planes will be leased from THY Following the completion of…

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When we think of building wealth, doing increasing net worth is only part of the challenge. Building a lasting heritage also involves drawing up a plan for how it will be transmitted to the next generation. Statistics show that a large part of high net worth families lose most of their value in the next generation. Despite the relevance, only part of the people who are planning this transition, discuss the topic with the next generation. Generational heritage is a term used to describe the accumulation of wealth, which is passed from one generation to another. It’s a concept that…

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Nurdogan ARSLAN ERGUN D Diamond, which entered the diamond sector two years ago and has reached 98 corners and 78 stores today, will increase the number of its stores, which are all franchises, to 200 this year. The brand aims to reach 500 stores in 81 provinces within 10 years. Saying that they are working to become the diamond brand with the most stores in Turkey, D Diamond Chairman of the Board Emil Güzeliş described the number of stores they have reached today as a ‘record’ despite being a very young brand. Stating that they have 176 points, 78 of…

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A land clearing it is essential to avoid and reduce the risk of fires. Every year with the approach of summer, the fires start, some of which have a criminal hand, but others are merely human negligence. In this sense, the Government has sought to combat this natural catastrophe, namely, awareness and prevention of fire risks that exist if certain precautions are not taken.Land clearing: what recommendations should you follow?If you have land close to your home or populations, must proceed with the cleaning of the grounds. If you do, the fire has less to expand. On the other hand,…

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Starting from the last months of 2021, in line with the instructions of President Tayyip Erdoğan, the CBRT reduced the policy rate from 19% to 8.5%. This easing cycle caused a currency crisis and fueled inflation, and after peaking at 85% last year, the CPI decreased to 50.5% in March due to the base effect and the decrease in the cumulative loss in TL. Whatever result comes out of the election will end Even though there are opponents, economists think that the policies implemented in Turkey for 1.5 years will come to an end, regardless of the outcome of the…

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In order to shed some light on the face of Carlo Pietro Ponzi, we must resort, above all, to the written word. The encyclopedic entries and journalistic articles about our protagonist say that he was born in Lugo, Italy, in the year 1882, and tell in some length and detail the life of the Italian immigrant who became a millionaire in the United States. Even so, it seems that we are facing one of those cases in which, most of the time, a name is mentioned – Ponzi – without actually knowing who it is. audiovisual walking alongside this story.…

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