Author: Anton Kovačić

The Swedish player Unisynk is a well-known and leading manufacturer of computer and mobile accessories. The company is now launching two new USB-C hubs in its range of five and twelve ports, respectively. The hubs support 8K video and transmissions up to 10 Gbps, both of which are suitable for those looking for that extra experience. Recently, they have also won the Red Dot Awards for their innovative workmanship, where the jury praised the hubs’ extremely practical workmanship. Focus on users – “a technical level not seen before” What sets Unisynk’s latest hubs apart from what we’ve seen before is…

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The ideal marriage varies from person to person. There are couples who like a big party, others with a religious component. But there are also those who prefer that their union is limited to civil marriage. Regardless of your preference, if you are going to get married, you need to be aware of the marriage process in the eyes of Portuguese law. This is because a wedding is not just about the ceremony. In fact, from a legal point of view, A marriage is a contract that is entered into by the will of two people. And like any contract,…

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In the current global economic context, the word bear market has returned to investors’ vocabulary. The year 2022 has been very negative in the main world exchanges. So, since the beginning of the year, the S&P 500 (benchmark in the United States) has fallen by about 20%, according to an analysis by the newspaper ECO. In Europe, the situation has been similar with the main benchmark (Stoxx 600) having fallen by more than 15% since the beginning of the year. negative behavior in the main world stock exchangesaccording to experts, is explained by the following reasons: what does a bear…

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With the rise in inflation in the euro area, the European Central Bank started a progressive rise in Euribor rates in all maturities. This rise is leading to those who have a housing loan in progress or intend to buy a house through a housing loan, looking for alternatives to minimize its impact. Given the current context, and for those looking for some stability, the mixed rate can be a good solution. However, it is important that you do simulations and analyze the various scenarios. analyze my case What interest rates exist and which is the best? A home…

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You hear the phone ring and run to see who it is but the number is unknown and you do not know who called. Then there may be plenty of opportunities for you to find out who it was by using a few tricks. First of all, you can of course search for the phone number online. Sometimes you can then see who called. It’s also an easy way. You can also install an app that automatically checks who called. Then you can often also find out if it is a telephone salesman and if others who use the same…

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if it works on behalf of someone else, but you need to have an additional incometto work as a self-employed person, that is, on green receiptsmay be the solution. Thus, these two types of activity have different rules regarding taxes and contributions for Social Security. Therefore, it is important that you clarify your doubts before deciding to combine the two activities. work for someone else if youwork on account someone else does not have to worry about the contributory obligations to Social Security or the monthly IRS payment about your income. THE employer’s responsibility.So, monthly the company where you work…

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A lot is happening in technology all the time in many different areas. It may not be so easy to keep up with something that is constantly evolving, but which at the same time takes us forward and many times makes our lives a little easier. Here are some hot technology trends that can be fun to watch. Ai – Artificial intelligence Ai is a collective name for systems that can recognize their surroundings, learn, act and think. Ai is already used today as, for example, chatbots at online casinos and can also be expected to become more efficient in…

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more and more, the improving the energy efficiency of homes is a concern of the Portuguese, not only because it allows decrease the ecological footprint of each of us, but also because allows you to save. So, consider taking advantage of this summer to carry out the necessary works and improvements to increase the energy efficiency of your home. In this article, we have collected some tips that can make a difference in planning and final result. How important is energy efficiency? There are several advantages you can obtain by investing in the energy efficiency of your home. Energy resources…

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In line with its sustainability strategy, Nespresso is launching a new service that enables tracking of coffee. The tracking is done with the help of blockchain technology that gives consumers the opportunity to get information about the origin of coffee. According to Nespresso, the goal is a fair production chain and greater transparency. Among the information that can be traced is detailed information about which farmer grew the beans, for which compensation, regional origin and other necessary information that ensures that coffee production is fair through all production steps. Traceability is currently available for Reviving Origins Kahwa ya Congo, which…

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If you intend to take out a consolidated loan, the first thing you should keep in mind is that you cannot have any overdue loan installments. In other words, this is a solution to gain a new financial breath and not for those who defaulted.But if, on the contrary, you have all your accounts settled and you are looking for a way to reduce your credit installments, consider your consolidation. Analyze my case But let’s see, one by one, the criteria for accessing consolidated credit. 1. You cannot have payments in arrears If you are in default with any financial…

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